Privacy policy


Personal Information Protection Policy

As an information service company that handles a variety of information including events, HIKE Inc. is deeply aware that customers’ personal information is important information that constitutes privacy. In handling personal information in the course of our business, we will respect our customers and live up to their expectations and trust in our company by establishing laws and regulations regarding personal information and internal rules stipulated for the protection of personal information, and by maintaining an organizational structure and striving to protect personal information appropriately.

Acquisition, Use, and Provision of Personal Information

We will specify the purposes for which personal information is to be used within the scope of our business activities, and will acquire, use, and provide personal information fairly and appropriately to the extent necessary to achieve those purposes. We will also take steps to ensure that personal information acquired will not be used for purposes other than those specified.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We shall comply with laws, national guidelines, and other norms related to personal information and social order, and shall strive to protect personal information appropriately.

Appropriate Management of Personal Information

We are fully aware of the risks of unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information that we handle, and we will implement reasonable safety measures and take appropriate corrective measures in the event of a problem.

Response to Inquiries

We will respond appropriately to inquiries from the person in question regarding disclosure, correction, suspension of use, complaints, etc. of personal information handled by us.

Continuous Improvement

We will establish management regulations and a management system for personal information protection, ensure that all employees thoroughly implement these regulations and systems, and periodically review them for continuous improvement.

Date of enactment November 1, 2003
Last revised July 1, 2017

Representative Director: Shinichiro Ikeda

<Contact for personal information protection>
Personal Information Inquiry Desk
Personal Information Protection Manager Shinichiro Ikeda

Handling of Personal Information

Personal information handled by our company

We are committed to the appropriate protection of personal information in accordance with our “Personal Information Protection Policy”. The following is a description of the personal information that we obtain or retain for the purpose of our business.

1. name of business operator handling personal information


2. purpose of use of personal information

The purposes of use of personal information handled by the Company in the course of its business activities are as follows

■①Retained Personal Data

Type of personal informationPurpose of use
Business partner informationFor sales and marketing activities by mail, telephone, e-mail, or visits to provide information and services related to our business
Employee informationTo use for operations related to employee management (operations, labor and personnel management, payroll-related operations, employee benefit operations, etc.)
Recruitment applicant informationTo be used for operations related to recruitment (provision of information related to recruitment, decisions on whether or not to accept a position, communication related to recruitment operations, etc.)
Retiree informationTo communicate with retired employees and to respond to inquiries from retired employees
Inquirer information・To respond to inquiries about our services and to provide various types of information
・To survey the usage of our website, and to improve our advertising, marketing, and services
Information on the person in question and his/her representative (at the time of request for disclosure, etc.)To respond to requests for disclosure, etc.

Other purposes of use as specified in writing on a case-by-case basis.

■ ②Undisclosed Personal Information

Type of personal informationPurpose of use
Personal information obtained through entrusted operationsFor planning, production, and operation of various events entrusted by customers

3. contact for inquiries regarding personal information

For complaints, consultations, or inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, including those related to personal data in our possession, please contact the following [Inquiry Desk].

4.Name of the authorized personal information protection organization to which the Company belongs and the contact address for resolution of complaints

The Company is the following “authorized personal information protection organization” under the Personal Information Protection Law (Article 37, Paragraph 1). Please contact this organization for matters requiring resolution by a third party.

Japan Information Processing Development Corporation
Personal Information Protection Complaints Office
Roppongi 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Roppongi First Building 12F, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
TEL:03-5860-7565  0120-700-779(free phone)
【This is not a contact for inquiries about our products or services.】

5.About Cookies

Cookies are data that is sent and received between the browser of the computer used by the customer and the server in order to allow the customer to view this site more conveniently when visiting the site again. Cookies are stored in your browser and may be referred to by the server, but the file sent as a cookie from our website does not contain information that identifies you personally, does not violate your privacy, and does not adversely affect your computer. It does not violate your privacy and does not have any adverse effect on your computer. We use cookies on our website for the following purposes

(1) To study the usage of our website, and to improve our advertising, marketing, and services.
(2) To deliver display advertisements by third-party ad-serving providers such as Google.

Cookie information obtained by the third party will be handled in accordance with the privacy policy of the third party. You can choose to “Allow all cookies,” “Reject all cookies,” or “Notify me when I receive a cookie,” among other settings related to cookies. The setting method varies depending on the browser. Please refer to your browser’s “Help” menu for cookie-related settings. Please note that if you select a setting that rejects all cookies, you may not be able to use services that require authentication, or you may be restricted from using various services on the Internet. Third party ad-serving companies such as Google may use cookies to obtain information about your access to our website and display our advertisements on other websites based on such information. Customers may access opt-out pages (e.g., Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on) within the websites of such third parties to stop the delivery of advertisements that use cookie information, etc. by such third parties.

6. procedures for disclosure, etc.

Complaints, consultations, and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, including those related to personal information subject to disclosure, should be directed to the [Inquiry Desk] below.

7.Voluntary nature of provision of personal information by customers and the consequences of not providing personal information

The provision of personal information for this service is voluntary. However, please understand that some services (including responses to inquiries, etc.) cannot be provided if customers do not provide their personal information. Please understand that there may be services (including responses to inquiries, etc.) that cannot be provided if you do not provide personal information.

■How to request disclosure of personal information

Please download the “Request Form for Disclosure of Personal Information (Form B01-04)” from our website, fill in all items, and send it to the Personal Information Consultation Desk together with the handling charge (fixed-sum money order) by mail. Please write “Request for Disclosure, etc. enclosed” on the envelope. Please contact us by phone to confirm your identity, as we will check several items of personal information to verify your identity.

Download Request Form for Disclosure, etc.

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■Fees and Method of Collection

For “notification of purpose of use” and “disclosure” of retained personal data, please enclose a 500 yen fixed-amount money order (issued by a post office) per request with the request documents.

■Method of response to requests for disclosure, etc.

The response will be made by the method specified in the “Request for Disclosure of Personal Information (Form B01-04)” at the time of the request.

【Inquiries to】
G-7 Building 9F, 7-16-12 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
HIKE Inc. Personal Information Consultation Desk
Personal Information Protection Manager: Shinichiro Ikeda